Filmvisning i Bergen, 08.05, kl. 17.30
Egyptologisk Selskap og Foreningen for gresk-norsk samarbeid har gleden av å vise filmen The Jews of Sudan - The Longest Kiss in History (2011). Vi får besøk av filmskaperen Frederique Cifuentes Morgan som vil intodusere filmen. ... I tillegg blir det korte innlegg om jødenes historie langs Nilen. “A brief history of jews in ancient Egypt” (Pål Steiner) “Jews and Medieval Nubia” (Alexandros Tsakos) Bergen, Sydneshaugen skole, aud. A. 8. mai, kl. 17.30 Gratis inngang - åpent for alle! Om filmen: Where the Blue and the White Nile meet is known as the longest kiss in history. This is where the story of the Jews in the Sudan starts with eight Jewish families living under Egyptian-Turkish rule before 1880. In 1977 a group of Jewish people, having fled persecution in the Sudan during the 60’s, organized a highly secret mission to transfer the buried remains in the Jewish cemetery and the Torah Scrolls from Khartoum to Jerusalem. This film reveals the unusual journey of the sacred books from the Sudan to make known how this most enigmatic community has kept its identity. A journey through history told by those that experienced it at firsthand. The film chronicles life under the Mahdi, the effect of British imperialism on the community and the eventual exile and deliberate obliteration of all signs of Judaism in the Sudan.
January 2016